Ohmega Vapor

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Find all the products you need to get started vaping today, at Ohmega Vapor.

About Ohmega Vapor

Most companies out there know what they do and how they do it. What most companies don’t truly know is “WHY” they do what they do. For Ohmega the “WHY” is what drives us from the top down.

We believe the reign of big tobacco is coming to an end and we want to be a large nail in its coffin. In addition, we believe that a small E-Juice company can change the world, one smoker at a time. We believe in providing products that people need and want, not because it’s trendy, but because if it keeps you from picking up another cigarette, you’ve won and so have we. We believe in innovation and challenging the status quo with everything we do from our products to our customer service.

Finally, We want to be the best and will not accept any less.

At Ohmega, health is a large part of why we got into this business. It’s because of this that we want to create the healthiest products we can, given the circumstance.

Our E-Juices are made in an ISO 8 Lab using USP grade Flavorings, Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerin, and Pharmaceutical grade nicotine.

Our products are vegan and kosher safe, so for our customers that are conscientious about these things, we’ve got you covered! Not to mention, our products are also Diacetyl, Paraben and Gluten free.

We made our products this way, not because we’re a bunch of sandal wearing hippies (we wear boots in Texas), but because we wanted to make sure we eliminated as many reasons as possible for people to choose to not quit smoking and switch to our products.

Lastly, all Ohmega E-Juice is made right here in the USA by skilled American hands and we wouldn’t have it any other way!

We’re all reformed smokers at Ohmega Vapor as many E-Juice company owners are. It’s a story that’s become cliché in our industry.

So what’s new?

Ohmega has a different perspective that we challenge all of our competitors to match.

At Ohmega we want to provide high quality and innovative, yet affordable products that will serve a customer from the day they decide to quit smoking, all the way to either becoming an avid vaper or quitting both habits all together.

Like our motto says “The Power’s In Your Hands”.

The freedom of choice is integral to the American way of life and Big Tobacco’s products have been taking that freedom away for too long!

Ohmega offers its customers 24/7 365 customer support.

We wanted to offer this because we’re tired of companies checking out at 5 o’clock in whatever time zone they happen to be in (which is never the one you’re in). If they do offer after hours support, it’s always someone you can barely understand.

We understand that people have lives and can’t always get to us during normal hours; we know our night owls need a little help too.

The founders of Ohmega simply wanted to create a company that they would enjoy doing business with, and 24/7 American support is what they like. They hope you like it too!

At Ohmega Vapor we have many goals for the vape community and general society as a whole.

We want to be a steady advocate for the vape and e-cigarette community by raising awareness about vaping and e-cigarettes as a safe alternative to not only smoking but other smoking cessation products.

Our goal is not only to try to save the lives of smokers by offering a truly safe alternative, but also to give back time to smokers that cigarettes would have otherwise taken away.

Our goal every day is to give smokers one less reason to smoke and put the power into the hands of our smoking and vaping customers alike.

We reach for these goals by producing a safe, high quality and affordable product for e-cigarette users that want better flavors and flavor selection and for smokers who want to be rid of cigarettes once and for all.

Our main goal as a company is the abolition of smoking.

We want to get positivity surrounding vaping and e-cigarettes to the public and let the smoking populous know that switching to an e-cig could save their lives!

We also want to help quell all of the negative stigmas out there surrounding vaping and e-cigarettes: Stigmas like “vaping produces formaldehyde” or “all E-juices can cause the Popcorn Lung condition” and our personal favorite “vaping has more chemicals than cigarettes”.

As a company we want to educate the public and our customers so that they may tell others and stop the spread of these falsehoods.

These bits of propaganda were bought and paid for by big tobacco.

Through education, awareness and safe quality products we can not only help the industry as a whole, but its consumers and smokers alike to help put an end to big tobacco! Who’s with us!

Our goal for smokers is simple.

We want you to quit. We want you to be healthier. Consequently, we want you to feel better. In addition, we want you to spend less money. We want you to be around for your family and your children for many years to come. We want to give you back the minutes that cigarettes are taking.

Our E-Juice contains only quality ingredients with no fillers or added chemicals.

We have over 150 flavors for you to choose from. So if you want to stick to that nice tobacco flavor you’re used to, we have it. If you want to switch to something different to get out of the mind-set of smoking, we have it.

We also have many different starter kits for you to choose from. So, you can try something different if you’ve already used an e-cig and it didn’t quite work out for you.

Most importantly, we’re here.

We have 24/7 customer service available. If you’re new to trying an e-cig, want to upgrade, or just have general questions about vaping and E-cigarettes, we’re here for you. Give us a call and try something new. With Ohmega, the power is in your hands. Give us a try. It just might save your life!

Already vape?

Great! Ohmega is still going to be your first choice in online shops. We guarantee our juice will be among the best you’ve tried. Give us your flavor profile. Let us know what you like.

We’ll recommend something to you that you’re sure to love! We have over 150 Hand Crafted E-Juice flavors at Ohmega. There’s something perfect for everyone.

We also have a great hardware selection.

We want vapers to be able to come to Ohmega for all of their vaping needs. If we don’t have the best new piece of hardware that you want, send us an email or give us a call and let us know. We will order it just to satisfy you.

Customer service is of the utmost importance to us. We want to make sure you get what you need.

Unlike other “premium” e-juice companies, we also offer the best reward points plan and free shipping on all orders to all Ohmega Members Club™ members.

We do this to give a little back to the customer. Our way of saying “Thank You” for choosing Ohmega.

With Ohmega, the power is in your hands. Power to choose. The power to quit. The power to vape. Vape on.

At Ohmega Vapor Company, what’s in the bottle is only half the picture. As a result, each bottle is handcrafted by American hands.

Each flavor compound has been created or thought up by a member of our team, from the CEO to the shipping department.

Each box is hand marked and signed with our lab techs name and yours to let you know who made that bottle just for you. Inside each box of Ohmega E-Juice is a handwritten note from the tech to you with a little message to show our appreciation.

We do not take this level of care in our products because it’s scalable, time efficient or easy, because it isn’t.

We didn’t add these features to our products so we can charge more, because we don’t. We’re actually 40% less than our “premium” competitors whose quality isn’t even comparable. We do it because we want to build a quality product that resonates with and helps us connect with our customers.

Ohmega Vapor Company not only handcrafts its E-Juice but is conscientious about what goes into all of our E-Juice products.

We want to abolish the smoking epidemic but we don’t want our customers to simply trade one deadly habit for another.

In order to accomplish this goal, on the outside of every box of Ohmega E-juice, you’ll find a list of every ingredient that goes into our products, nothing more, and nothing less. To further reach this goal, all of our ingredients and formulas have customer safety in mind and are tested for all known harmful chemicals prior to sale.

Each ingredient is USP and pharmaceutical grade, all natural where available, and Diacetyl free.

No popcorn lung here!

We want our customers to feel confident that their decision to use Ohmega products is a healthy one. We also want to give you one less reason to pick up another cigarette.

Most of you know the e-juice industry is filled with pitch men, outrageous pricing and marketing fluff.

The insertion of buzz words like “Premium”, “Top Shelf”, or “Signature” in front of an e-juice name seems to be the thing to do get a few more sales and charge a few more bucks but we don’t see it that way.

We believe the flavor and quality of our E-Juice products are what matter most to customers and let them stand on their own (no buzz words needed).

To further illustrate the importance of quality and flavor of an e-juice, It’s what helps a smoker say “I could see myself switching to this!” and decide to quit a deadly habit.

The highest selling juices on the market are popular because of their flavor.

In some cases, one E-Juice flavor even launched an entire company. It’s because of this that most companies stick to just a few flavors.

But we figured why couldn’t a company exist with 100+ great flavors? We thought if a company could do this, then that company would have the best shot at making a huge impact in the lives of smokers & avid vapors alike.

So that’s what we at Ohmega work towards every day for our customers. Try a few and see that we’re not about the fluff, we’re about the flavor.