EZ Battery Reconditioning

19,000 People Use EZ Battery Reconditioning™

Save Money And NEVER Buy A New Battery Again.

Bring Nearly Any Dead Battery Back To Life Again.

Over 19,000 people are already using the EZ Battery Reconditioning Method.

Make thousands by purchasing old batteries and selling them as reconditioned ones for massive profits.

Our product teaches people how to recondition all types of old batteries and bring them back to 100% of their working condition again. This saves people money and has a wide appeal.

This is a product that truly helps people. The EZ Battery Reconditioning program saves people money and helps the Earth (because it keeps batteries out of landfills).

Most people spend $15,000+ on batteries over their lifetime and this number continues to grow each day because people are using more and more batteries, and batteries continue to get more expensive. But our course helps reduce this huge cost because people can reuse old (reconditioned) batteries instead! We also teach people all about proper battery maintenance so their new batteries last much longer.

We have step by step instructions that make reconditioning batteries easy for people.

We teach people how to recondition these batteries:

  • Car batteries
  • Computer and phone batteries
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Long life batteries
  • Batteries used in alternative energy systems
  • Deep cycle marine batteries
  • Golf cart batteries
  • Forklift batteries
  • And many other kinds of common batteries!

We regularly get testimonials and we take great pride in helping so many people.

Additionally, because people can now collect dead batteries from around their home or get them from the many places we show in our program (for free), they can have a nearly endless supply of free batteries because they can recondition and reuse these.

Another benefit of our program is that people will never be without important battery power when they need it most (like in a power outage) because they’ll be able to bring an old or dead battery back to life if it happens to go out when they really need it (like in a storm).

This product teaches people how to get old batteries in bulk (for free at times), then how to recondition these batteries and sell them for large profits.

We go over all kinds of different selling methods for these batteries, where to get old batteries, where to sell the batteries, who to sell them to, battery business ideas, and also how to set up a battery servicing business.

We have a highly trained support staff that is always ready to help our customers with any order or technical questions they may have.


Reviews from our Satisfied Customers

“I’ve Saved Over $400 On Batteries!”

I can’t believe how simple your reconditioning steps are! My old (and once dead) car batteries, cell phone battery, drill battery, camera battery and tons of other batteries are all reconditioned and working great again! Since starting your program I’ve saved over $400 on batteries!

–Jen Simmons

“Very Easy To Follow”

Tom, your plans are great. I was able to bring my laptop batteries and several other types of batteries back to life with your methods. Your instructions are very easy to follow. I have a few more batteries I’m going to recondition today also.

–Karl Howard

“My car battery was completely dead before I used your methods”

I reconditioned my dead car battery a few weeks ago with your program and it’s been working perfectly since then! My car battery was completely dead before I used your methods.

This just saved me hundreds of dollars on a new battery!

–Michelle Jensen

“I wish I would have found this years ago!”

I recently got the EZ Battery Reconditioning program and just reconditioned two car batteries. The guides were very easy to follow. I wish I would have found this years ago! Thanks!

–Frank Murray

“I still can’t believe how great this worked”

I still can’t believe how great this worked. My drill battery, several AA and AAA batteries, and my camera battery work great again! This is super fun to do too.

–Kevin Day

“I’ve reconditioned 17 batteries with EZ Battery Reconditioning”

I was curious about your program so I decided to try it out after hearing from a friend how well this worked for her. I’m so glad I did! I’ve reconditioned 17 batteries with EZ Battery Reconditioning, even an old car battery I thought was long gone. My son likes using your program too! This is a skill everybody should know! Thank you, Tom and Frank.

–Ceceil Neel