ClickBank Pirate On Autopilot

If you are looking for a proven, easy to implement system, for creating a reliable income as a Clickbank affiliate, this may very well be the most important letter you will ever read!

“The Shockingly Simple System That Makes Me $10,000 Per Month Without A Website Or A Product Of My Own!”

And now you can follow this exact system too…
Just an hour or two daily gets you setup and without worries about building websites or selling things or any of that complicated stuff…

* Screenshot of a real Clickbank account testing our proven system

We are not here to dazzle you with photoshop magic concocted by some hyped up wannabe!

The truth is… Making Money from Clickbank is Easy!

  • There are no loopholes!
  • There is no magic PPC campaign or “guaranteed” keyword list!
  • You can’t just press a big red button and make money while you sleep!

And Yes… There Is A Proven System &
We Want To Share It With YOU!

You can use our “ready to go” system and learn while you earn!

It Used To Be Hard Work – But Not Anymore…
Because Here’s YOUR Key!


The Ultimate Plug & Play Turnkey Clickbank System

Quickly & Easily Generate A Recession Proof Recurring Income

Plug In To An Autopilot Business That Generates Fat Commission Checks Day & Night…

While We Do All The
Hard Work For You!

If you want…

  • An automated system for quickly and easily getting your online business into profit & raking in massive Clickbank checks.
  • To make more money this month than you ever have before.
  • A lifestyle where we do the work for you and you just “plug in” whenever you feel like it – and do it on your own terms…

Then Clickbank Pirate is exactly what you’ve been looking for…

Clickbank Pirate is literally the product of years worth of blood, sweat and tears.

We have tried, tested and perfected the ultimate Clickbank method so you can avoid the usual trial and error (mostly error).

And we have built the most user friendly members area you have ever seen… Guaranteed

Here’s Exactly What You Get With Your
Clickbank Pirate Turnkey System!

Professionally designed profit pulling video squeeze pages that will suck in leads faster than you can say residual income!

  • And there’s absolutely no set up required… You don’t need a hosting account, a domain, an autoresponder or any technical skills whatsoever… The squeeze pages are ready to use from the second you enter your members area – We host them for you and you just get one easy link to promote.
  • Fully monetized sign up process… Designed to suck money out of your prospects wallet right when they are most likely to buy from you! And you don’t have to lift a finger – we host these pages too, deliver them and automatically insert your affiliate links!
  • Mouth watering reports that will not only get your prospects to sign up in hordes… But also make the product you are promoting irresistible – exploding your sales and profits! No fiddling with rebranders or zip files either – we deliver these reports straight to your prospects, automatically branded with your name and links!
  • Cut and paste, easy to use promo tools that will help you drive a stampede of hungry buyers to your squeeze pages. You get blog posts, articles, emails, banners and much more… Just grab them, use them and watch the avalanche of opt ins roll.
  • Our personal super persuasive follow up series – not only closing the sale for the initial product… But selling related Clickbank products to your prospects FOREVER, with your links of course! And with no autoresponder fee, set up or writing from you – we handle everything automatically!

Just one free lead can mean massive recurring commissions, straight to your Clickbank account!

You can start generating your autopilot income in less than 15 minutes from now!

This is a limited offer…