Donald Trump – The Man – The President?

Donald Trump, maybe one of the most entertaining, ball busting, ways of no-nonsense politics, funny or scary at times and above all – its making waves.

As to them being strong enough to sway the voters, I believe they will…

Donald Trump says it the way many people have felt for years. About debt, about the borders and about the – everything really… while his views are all about what is best for the US.

You have to admit, even if you do not agree, its something we have all thought about.

And for those of us on the Republican Fence – really? Don’t you think its time something was done to fix it all.

Its not going to be fun, its going to be ugly, and it so needs to happen.  We all know it, and we need to stop putting things off.


Donald Trump – American Politician:

Trump News:

Donald Trump Wife: I wanted to share some details I found at:

Things you didn’t know about Donald Trump’s wife – by Nicki Swift

Although Donald Trump has made quite a show for himself, his current wife, Melania, has mostly kept to the background. We’re taking a closer look at Trump’s right-hand woman, from her childhood, to their first run-in, to their marriage today. See my own comments to Nick’s Info in BLUE below.

She used to be a model

Born in Slovenia, Melania began modeling at the age of five. By 16, she was doing commercials. “I went professional after my studies,” Melania recently told Parenting magazine (via the New York Post). “My mom loved fashion. We loved to travel and go to Italy and Paris.” Melania would go on to pose for some of the most iconic fashion photographers in the business, including Patrick Demarchelier and Mario Testino, and posed for everything from Sports: Illustrated to Vogue.

She met Donald while he was dating someone else!

Speaking to Harper’s Bazaar in 2016, Melania admitted she met Donald at a Fashion Week party in 1998 while he was still dating someone else. “He wanted my number, but he was with a date, so of course I didn’t give it to him,” she said. Instead, she wanted his number. The reason: she wanted to see what kind of digits he’d give her and would determine what to do from there. (Hint: personal numbers = good; business = bad.) To Melania’s surprise, Donald gave her all of his numbers. “The office, Mar-a-Lago, home in New York, everything.” Melania called him after she returned from a photo shoot in the Caribbean. No word on what happened to the other woman, though we’re guessing she’s pretty bitter.

Maybe so – but Melania has been with Trump for a good while, proving they are compatible.  And I like the fact he has a 3rd wife… he’s more of the fix it or move on and make it better direction.  Something I can also attest too.  He didn’t stick it through for political reasons, not to mention any names, but the Clintons’ are far from in-love… and I’m sure they wish they were on their 2nd or 3rd spouse.  Wow… honesty in a relationship – honesty to the … ok… I’m creating more issues with this than I intended, but the point is… Trump is REAL, and not into politics through means or tied to means with his Wife.  At least in my opinion.

She stays out of Donald’s campaign

If you’re wondering why you don’t hear or see much of Melania on the campaign trail, it’s by choice. “I’m choosing not to go political in public because that is my husband’s job. I’m very political in private life, and between me and my husband I know everything that is going on. I follow from A to Z,” she told Harper’s Bazaar in 2016. “But I chose not to be on the campaign. I made that choice and I have my own mind. I am my own person, and I think my husband likes that about me.” Given her husband’s outrageous viewpoints, she’s probably smart to stay away.

She could make for a pretty – fashion forward – icon – don’t you think?  We haven’t had anyone since Jackie O, wait… Reagan’s wife was classy… but this is taking it back to Jackie Kennedy days – though in our time.  Can you imagine all the fashion designers getting ready for their hay day with this.  Should be very interesting, and I bet agents are fighting already for a play at this.  4 years, 8 years (could be a long time of fashion forward and fashion focus).  And I bet she won’t snear at the Queen, or any Princess for that matter.  (Thank you again for the embarrassment Obamas… yes Michelle – that was for you).

She doesn’t always agree with him

Considering Donald Trump is one of the most blunt and outspoken figures in the world, it should come as no surprise that his wife can dish it right back. In fact, Harper’s Bazaar took specific note of Melania’s reported “unflappability.” “I give him my opinions, and sometimes he takes them in, and sometimes he does not,” she told the magazine. “Do I agree with him all the time? No. I think it is good for a healthy relationship. I am not a ‘yes’ person. No matter who you are married to, you still need to lead your life.” She adds: “I don’t want to change him. And he doesn’t want to change me.” Wait…she doesn’t always agree with Donald Trump?

Can she run for president, instead?

She doesn’t need to run for president… she will be bringing class in… and while she is not expected to be running our country, she won’t be trying (at least in what I see) to – like former First Ladies.  Again, not saying any names, but Hillary – weren’t you in office for 8 years already?

She’s Trump’s third wife

Anyone who paid attention to the tabloids in the ’80s and ’90s knows that Donald’s marriage to Melania isn’t exactly his first time at the rodeo. In fact, Trump’s previous two marriages were filled with the kind of gossip and scandal that would put the entire Kardashian family to shame. Trump married his first wife, Ivana, in 1977. The couple quickly became one of the most powerful and talked about duos on the New York social scene. That is, until Trump began a scandalous affair with Marla Maples, catalyzing one of the most high-profile divorces of the end of the century. Trump ultimately married Maples in 1993, about a year after his divorce from Ivana. They lasted for six long and painful years that basically kept the New York Post in business.

When its not working out, you fix it.  Take the steps… make it work.  I’m sure they are all (all previous) in a better place, and far happier.  

She’s barely older than her step-kids

(And???? So ????? Is this really anything to care about – NO!)
At age 45, Melania is a mere seven years older than Donald’s oldest son, Donald Trump, Jr., who is 38. Awkward, much? She’s not that far off in age from Trump’s other children, either; Eric, Ivanka, and Tiffany are ages 34, 32 an 22, respectively. Melania and Donald have one son together, Barron, whom they welcomed in 2006.

She should also be healthy, a figure to adorn too… look too… finally someone we can represent with.  She is poised, and seems to have no issues with the spotlight, the pressure – or the exposure.  Seriously… this is a diplomatic PLUS.  

They have great sex

(Then Donald will be more Focused as the CEO of the Country right! – I bet so)
If Donald and Melania Trump move into the White House, expect them to be drastically different from, say, Ronald and Nancy Reagan—at least when it comes to talking about their personal lives. That assumption is based on a now-infamous interview that the Trumps gave to radio shock-jock Howard Stern in 1999, during which Stern probed the newly minted couple on their sex life. “We have incredible sex,” Melania boasted via telephone, adding she was calling Stern in barely any clothes at all. Melania went on to say she and Donald have sex “at least once a day” and “sometimes even more.” Well, as they say in the White House, if the Lincoln Bedroom’s rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’.

Far from the first time too… and for this generation speaking out… it will be good to have the actual Pres and First Lady doing this in that room… as opposed to… ok… enough with the Clinton references on our history – but seriously…

Their wedding was extravagant

SO IS EVERY GIRLS’ PRINCESS DREAMS… this is great… and a grand thing to reflect on. America is Great, let’s get there again… and keep it there…

When you’re a real estate mogul worth billions of dollars, there’s no question as to whether your wedding is going to be over-the-top. Such was especially true for Donald and Melania’s January 2005 nuptials at Trump’s resort in Palm Beach, Florida. For the wedding, Melania wore a gown made by John Galliano, which reportedly took 1,000 hours to make, 550 hours of which were dedicated to hand-sewing 1,500 crystal rhinestones and pearls. If that wasn’t enough, the guest list included everyone from Katie Couric, to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, to American Idol judge Simon Cowell, to Billy Joel, who sang “Just the Way You Are.” Ironically, former President and First Lady Bill and Hillary Clinton were also in attendance. A photo of the Trumps and Clintons smiling and laughing at the ceremony went viral at the end of 2015. Both sides were likely very pissed.

Read More:

Though Nick’s views are not exactly on point (in my opinion – not a bad read)…

Trump Twitter:

You can find him on Twitter – so have millions of others around the world.  We care about this guy, what he is doing, and what he will be doing next.  See: Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter – probably one of the most BOLD presidents (looking to be at the time of this Blog) in our time, and definitely in the age of Social Media.  I wonder what it would be like if the Founding Fathers were on Social Media today… wow the things they would be saying.  I think we’d be ashamed – and appalled at where things have been allowed to go.

Donald Trump is also doing Media Tweets at: Media Tweets by Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

This, Taken from CNN:  

World leaders scale back rhetoric on Donald Trump where you can see that as Trump is gaining ground on the presidential elections, the World Leaders are starting to see that they need to back off what they have been attacking as Trump and start getting ready for the Trump as President of the US who admits to not taking any crap.  Things are going to be tossed on their heads, cleaned up… and with the US being in its own light to take care of its own.

Donald Trump: My debt comments were misrepresented

Donald Trump: My debt comments were misrepresented 01:53

“People said I want to go and buy debt and default on debt, and I mean, these people are crazy. This is the United States government,” Trump told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day.” “First of all, you never have to default because you print the money, I hate to tell you, OK?”
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee explained he would center his approach on debt buybacks if and when interest rates go up.
“I said if we can buy back government debt at a discount, in other words, if interest rates go up and we can buy bonds back at a discount — if we are liquid enough as a country, we should do that,” Trump said. “In other words, we can buy back debt at a discount.”
He also repeated his claim that he is “the king of debt.
“I understand debt better than probably anybody and I know how to deal with debt very well. I love debt. But you know, debt is tricky and it’s dangerous. And you have to be careful and you have to know what you’re doing,” Trump said.

‘Make a deal’

Trump had kicked up a firestorm in economic and political circles when. In an interview last Friday on CNBC, the presumptive Republican nominee seemed to suggest that rather than pay its outstanding national debt in full, the country could renegotiate.

Fox anchor challenges Trump on deficit plans

Fox anchor challenges Trump on deficit plans 01:37

Asked if the U.S. needs to pay its debt in full or if it could negotiate a partial repayment. Trump said: “I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal.”
Such a renegotiation risks creating financial turmoil because U.S. Treasuries are considered the safest assets on the planet and a major benchmark for valuing other securities. Risking their safety through a renegotiation like the kind Trump seemed to propose could cause borrowing rates everywhere to skyrocket and create chaos in global markets.
During his CNBC interview, Trump had also said that interest rates should be kept low, contradicting his remarks on CNN Monday. Because a rate jump could trigger a catastrophic increase the cost of borrowing.
“We’re paying a very low interest rate,” he said. “What happens if that interest rate goes up 2, 3, 4 points? We don’t have a country.”
And Trump signaled that he would be inclined to replace current Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, who has defended the Fed’s low rate policy. Saying that while “people I know have a high regard for her,” “she’s not a Republican.”


And the real estate mogul on Monday also cited his experience buying up mortgages at discount during the 2008 financial crash. While noting that managing the national debt would be a very different task.
“In business (debt buyback) happens all the time. I bought mortgages back when the market went bad, I bought mortgages back at tremendous discounts, and I love doing that,” he said.

More from  Without an united party can Trump win in November? 03:01

“There’s nothing like it actually, it gives me a great thrill. But in the United States with bonds, that won’t happen because you know in theory the market doesn’t go down. So, that you default on debt, and that’s what happens.”
Whether through debt buyback or restructuring, neither of Trump’s debt-reduction proposals from the past week square with his party’s core approach on the issue — deep spending cuts and entitlement program reform.
The Republican Party’s official platform argues the U.S.’s looming “debt explosion” should be averted through “immediate reductions in federal spending, as a down payment on the much larger task of long-range fiscal control.”
These cuts “must be accompanied by major structural reforms,” according to the platform, and pointing to programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, the GOP argues that “we must restructure the twentieth century entitlement state.”

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