Mountain Directory: A Guide For Truckers, RV And Motorhome Drivers

“Color relief maps and more than 150 new mountain pass and grade locations have been added to R&R Publishing’s 1999 editions of Mountain Directory West and Mountain Directory East.

mountain directory

Introducing the Mountain Directory Ebooks!


The Mountain Directory Ebooks give the locations and descriptions of over 700 mountain passes and steep grades in 22 states.

The Mountain Directory ebooks tell you where the steep grades are, how long they are, how steep (%) they are, whether the road is two lane, three lane, or four lane, if there are escape ramps, switchbacks, sharp curves, speed limits, etc.

The printed versions of the Mountain Directory books had almost 240 pages of text and color relief maps.

All 240 pages are in the downloadable versions of the Mountain Directory ebooks.

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Book Intro..

There is an old saying among over-the-road truckers.

“There are two kinds of drivers — those who’ve been in trouble on a mountain grade, and those who will be.”

Unfortunately, this also applies to many RVers.

Trucks and RVs have similar problems regarding weight, engine power, and braking in mountainous terrain.

Many people are under the impression that the grades in the eastern mountains are not as serious as the grades in the western mountains.

A large percentage of the grades in the western states are in the 6% range.

A large percentage of the grades in the eastern states are 8, 9, or 10% and sometimes even more.

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Learn More Today!

After a thrilling descent into Camp Verde Valley, AZ in 1993, Richard Miller decided to do something about the lack of information on many mountain grades.

The results of his efforts are two excellent resources: Mountain Directory West and Mountain Directory East.

“Rvers traveling to new locations often meet unforeseen and possibly dangerous challenges in mountainous terrain because they could not know what type of road lay ahead.

These Ebooks give locations and detailed descriptions of almost 700 mountain passes and steep grades in 22 states.

This enables drivers to plan safer and easier routes, or to be prepared to face the grade.”

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Travel with safety – safety from knowledge and information about navigating through the Mountain Grades and Terrain.